Application Information
1. Application Letter
In two pages, tell us about yourself by addressing these questions:
Why are you interested in LLEAD?
What are some key challenges confronting the library and information sector (e.g., academic, public, government, information services, or corporate libraries?
What skills and approaches do you hope to develop?
How will your current strengths, experience, and perspectives contribute to your LLEAD colleagues' experiences?
2. Two Letters of Support
Gather two reference letters supporting your application. One should be from a senior leader in your organization (or, a senior leader in an information sector organization), and one from the individual to whom you report. These letters should address:
The organization's willingness to assume the tuition, transportation costs and any incidental expenses
Their understanding that LLEAD will be one of your primary priorities for the duration of the program
Their commitment to coaching you through your development plan as the LLEAD program progresses
Your readiness and potential to continue learning, to stretch your abilities, and to manage future strategic functions as a transformational leader.
3. Your Resume or Curriculum Vitae
Simply provide us a summary of your work experience and career journey to this point - it does not need to be fancy.
4. Your Bursary Application (optional)
We are pleased to offer financial support for eligible applicants. Check our bursary page for eligibility and application requirements.